Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Lake Sentani Festival 2011

Papua is a region with a level of cultural diversity is very high, ranging to coastal areas to mountainous regions in have different cultures.
As from of appreciation dan preservations of cultural papua, some districts have scheduled culture presenting  as a ration annual, as well as the jayapura district; citing as Lake Sentani Festival.
In Lake Sentani Festival every village will bring tradisional dances each and also ahow their cultural products as drums (from iguana skin), carving in wood leather, leather bags of bark and many others.
This festival proves that people in general jayapura papua even highly dependent of natural life. Even all that is used in  this festival is natural and of natural.

lake sentani festival success 2011,
writing by Mike.

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Lestarikan Papua Untuk Dunia

Foto saya
Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
Alam adalah karunia TUHAN untuk kita, oleh sebab itu meng-HARGAI alam berarti kita mengucap syukur atas karunia yang ada.